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Loves psychic bond

What Are Love’s Psychic Bonds?

In the realm of love, there exists a mysterious and intangible bond that goes beyond the physical and emotional connection between two individuals. This bond is often referred to as a psychic connection, where lovers are believed to have the ability to communicate on a deeper level, transcending distance and time.

But do people in love truly have a psychic connection? Is there any evidence to support this claim? And what can be said about the meaning and frequency of such connections?

In this article, we will explore these intriguing questions and the concept of psychic connections between lovers.

The Mysteries of Love’s Intangible Bond

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that has been the subject of countless poems, songs, and stories throughout history.

It can be both exhilarating and perplexing. True love is often hard to find again for those who lost it once.

Beyond the five senses, love can create an unspoken connection between two individuals…A connection that some describe as psychic in nature.

Understanding Psychic-Love Connections

First, it is essential to understand what a psychic connection entails. In the context of love, a psychic connection refers to a profound bond between two individuals.

Similar to how psychic readings work, it allows for a heightened level of communication and understanding.

This connection operates subconsciously, where thoughts, emotions, and even physical sensations can be transmitted between partners without needing verbal or physical communication.

This union of souls is at the core of the connectivity nexus of love, and the extra-sensory connections many of us have had. Mothers feel it with their children, twins with their other, and sometimes, lovers feel it with their soulmates.

Our practice of guiding people through love and relationships shows that the dimensions of this psychic connection are many and extend in all directions within the human condition…just as love itself does.

Many have studied this for centuries, including the gurus of India, the mystics of Indo-Europe, and the great Tibetan masters of old. The bond between all living being that enmesh themselves with love is both mysterious and ubiquitous in life.

Experts in psychology and parapsychology have also discussed psychic connections between lovers. While opinions may vary, many acknowledge that such connections are indeed possible.

Numerous experts and authors in parapsychology specializing in the study of consciousness and various phenomena suggest that…Telepathic connections can occur between individuals who share a deep emotional bond, such as lovers or close friends.

Apart from destined love, astrologers and spiritual practitioners also believe in the existence of psychic connections. They argue that these connections are not limited to romantic relationships but can also manifest in close friendships or familial bonds.

According to experts, soulmates can have a telepathic connection due to their deep spiritual and energetic alignment. Even WikiHow published a guide on how to communicate with someone telepathically.

The Significance of Psychic Connections in Love

The significance of psychic connections in love lies in their ability to foster a deeper understanding and communication between psychically bound partners. These go beyond the realms of the conscious mind and allow for a profound connection on a subconscious and spiritual level.

Partners who share a psychic connection often feel a sense of unity, support, and emotional intimacy that transcends traditional forms of communication. It allows them to create and maintain happiness in a relationship without dealing with the typical downfalls.

If you’ve ever been in a room with a loved one close to you, felt the same emotion overcome you at the same moment, and knew exactly what the other was feeling…You have likely experienced the very same enthusiasm of psychic love.

This emotion extends beyond thinking the same things and goes deeper.

It allows those who’ve been either blessed with it naturally or cultivated it through a conscious effort to experience a profound and empowering empathy…then, it becomes easier to handle differences in a relationship and thrive.

Psychic connections can enhance empathic abilities, allowing partners to feel and experience each other’s emotions and physical sensations. This heightened empathy creates a strong foundation for emotional support and understanding…some of the undeniable signs of true love in a relationship.

Sometimes, no emotion is stronger than simply being understood by another human being. And this, in itself, is both a psychic bond and a transcendent one that crosses over into our conventional idea of how we attract love.

But What Is Love?

Science will tell us love is an evolved response to certain chemical stimuli, both temporary and fleeting. Those of us who’ve been with the same partners for many years and felt our bonds grow as a deeper understanding…Has underfolded and a connectedness that feels like it extends our sense of self into them – we say otherwise.

Love is difficult for many people to find. Some spend a lifetime looking for it. But when it’s real…

Although its substantive character may change, its psychic dimensions are undeniable as its form changes and grows, giving it a profound sense of liveliness.

But just how often does this experience occur? More than you may think!

The Frequency of Psychic Connections in Love

While every couple does not experience psychic connections in love, they are more common than one might think. Many couples report instances of telepathic communication, shared dreams, and a deep intuitive understanding of each other, which are far more significant than the normal strengths and values one can bring to a relationship.

While it’s important to note that bonds often grow over time – they are just as usually overlooked.

In a quest for physical intimacy, many mistake the bonds of the tangible body for the bond of the soul inhabiting it. Sometimes our daily grind, health problems, unresolved conflicts and a litany of inhibitive factors lead one or more partners to ignore their own psychic bonds.

Sadly, many only feel the bond they had and how special it truly was after their partner is gone…Either by leaving the one they love or, more tragically still, by departing from life itself.

This makes cultivating and appreciating our bonds so important once we move beyond the physical in our relationships.

Nurturing and Developing Psychic Connections in Love

Cultivating and nurturing a psychic bond with someone you love is both a two way street and a two way exercise.

Whether love means a commitment, a choice, or a feeling…you cannot bond with someone who does not love you back.

But pursuing and growing a psychic bond is like growing something within yourself – but not for yourself.

Imagine your body as a kind of vessel that contains a soul—and your partners as well. How can the two of you harmonize and synchronize enough to sense what one another is thinking, feeling, wanting, or dreaming?

There are many approaches to this – some deeply esoteric and erotic and many simple.

Here are a few simple exercises one can employ with one’s partner to grow closer together and cultivate psychic bonds.

Mutual Auric Field Sensing

If you and your partner sit facing each other, whether in chairs or on the floor, with your legs crossed…Put your hands up, palms forward, and position them about four inches apart or about a deck of cards.

Next, one of you should close your eyes, and the other should move their hands left to right, passing in front of and out of sync with the other partner’s hands.

If you’re like many couples, the one with their eyes closed can sense or guess when their partner’s hands pass over their hands.

You can turn this into a game…Be creative with it. The idea is to get used to sensing your partners auric field, or pranic energy – or however one characterizes it.

Mutual Meditation

While meditation is helpful when trying to be mindful and heal spiritually from a broken heart, meditating with your partner is also a common method of cultivating the psychic bond of love. It doesn’t mean you have to meditate in the same way or even share beliefs.

Simply spending time completely quietly, focused, relaxed, and near a loved one can be enough to help build a connection.

It may sound cliche or even boring, but simply being able to relax with your lover utterly is rare. As humans, we wear many masks, and when entirely quiet…We can’t.

When you spend time with someone else in total silence, with nothing to focus outwardly upon and dare to relax and go internal in their presence…You are doing something rare and prone to the cultivation of a much deeper sense of connection.

Dream Sharing

Though most people dream randomly, this needn’t be the case for many. Often, we go to bed next to those we love and enter into a chaotic realm with fleeting, fragmentary memories the next day.

Similarly to recognizing a clairvoyant dream, we advise keeping a dream journal and cataloging one’s dreams as soon as one wakes to help remember all one can.

This can be severely extended and expanded upon, however. Through conscious techniques, including the use of technological aids and herbal teas, lucid or ‘wakeful’ dreaming is accessible to many people.

Couples who try this together often report dreaming in tandem or seeing one another in their dreams.

If a couple spends the time learning to lucid dream individually, it’s not a far stretch to do so together as a couple.

Lucid dreaming with a loved one unlocks an entirely new realm of possibilities. If one does this for a time and compares dream journals, significant overlaps may begin to develop into synchronous experiences—shared dreaming.

Though this may sound outlandish to many, it’s an often overlooked gateway to a much deeper psychic bond with your loved one. In such a state, the limitless may feel possible and the unreal real.

Other Psychic Love Bonds

So far, we’ve covered a lot about how couples in love can share a psychic connection, but what about those non-human entities that inhabit a part of our lives and hearts unique to themselves?

Psychic Love Bonds With Pets

psychic love bonds with animals

Do you ever feel like there’s something more to your relationship with your beloved pet? That there’s a deeper connection that goes beyond words and gestures?

You’re not alone. Many pet owners have experienced unspoken understanding and telepathic communication with their furry companions.

Let’s loo deeper into the fascinating concept of psychic connections with pets and explore what it means for our relationships with them.

The Language of Energy: Unspoken Communication

At the core of psychic connections with pets lies the belief that energy is the universal language all beings communicate. Just as humans emit thoughts and emotions that carry vibrational frequencies, animals possess an innate ability to perceive and interpret these energies.

This shared language goes beyond verbal communication and taps into a realm where intuition and empathy reign supreme.

Sensing Emotions: The Silent Understanding

Have you ever noticed how your pet seems to know when you feel down or anxious?

Dogs may nuzzle closer or offer comforting licks, while cats might curl up in your lap and purr softly. These intuitive responses suggest that animals can pick up on our emotional states, even before we consciously express them.

It’s as if they’re tuned into an invisible frequency that allows them to sense our innermost feelings.

Non-Verbal Communication: Beyond Words

While humans rely heavily on verbal communication, animals excel at non-verbal cues. They pay close attention to body language, facial expressions, and energetic signals we may not even be aware of ourselves.

This heightened awareness enables them to understand us deeper, often responding to our unspoken needs long before we vocalize them.

In addition, animals also project their subtle energy signals to communicate with us. Whether it’s a wagging tail, a purr, or a gentle touch, they convey their emotions and intentions through these non-verbal cues.

It’s a remarkable form of communication that transcends language barriers.

Mirroring: Reflecting Our Inner World

Have you ever noticed that your pet’s behavior mirrors your own?

If you’re stressed, they may exhibit signs of stress as well. If you’re feeling down, they may become subdued. This phenomenon, known as mirroring, occurs when our pets reflect our emotional and energetic states.

By mirroring us, our pets are trying to communicate and teach us valuable lessons. They serve as mirrors, reflecting back to us our own emotions and behaviors, giving us an opportunity to grow and evolve.

Paying attention to these mirrors can provide valuable insights into our own lives and help us understand the messages our pets are trying to convey.

Energetic Match: Sharing Similarities

In some cases, pets may share energetic matches with their humans. This means they may have similar physical conditions or even personality traits. For example, if you struggle with digestive issues, your pet may also experience similar challenges.

This energetic match signifies a deep connection and shared experiences on a spiritual level.

Strengthening the Psychic Connection: Nurturing the Bond

While psychic connections with pets may come naturally, there are ways to strengthen and nurture this bond. You can deepen your understanding and communication with your beloved companion by dedicating time and effort.

Spend Quality Time Together: Building Trust and Connection

One of the most effective ways to strengthen the psychic connection with your pet is to spend quality time together. Engage in activities like walks, playtime, or simply sitting together in a calm environment.

This quality time helps build trust and deepens the emotional bond between you and your pet.

Observe and Learn: Understanding Their Unique Language

Take the time to observe your pet’s behavior and body language. Notice how they communicate their needs, desires, and emotions through subtle cues.

By understanding their unique language, you’ll be better equipped to respond to their needs and communicate with them on a deeper level.

Connect at the Heart Level: Love and Empathy

Connecting with your pet at the heart level involves tapping into the power of love and empathy. Show your pet unconditional love and affection, and open your heart to receiving their love in return.

This heart-to-heart connection transcends words and creates a powerful, energetic bond between you and your furry friend.

Trust Your Intuition: Listening to Your Inner Voice

In psychic communication with pets, intuition plays a vital role. Trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice when interacting with your pet.

Pay attention to subtle impressions, feelings, and images that come to you during these moments. Your intuition is a powerful tool for understanding and connecting with your pet on a deeper level.


The psychic connection between human lovers is a fascinating and mysterious aspect of human relationships. It’s one experienced more than appreciated and is so deeply ingrained in our day to day existence that we often fail to see it in ourselves and others.

Being mindful is more than just an abstract concept, it’s taking stock of our relationships and pausing to observe the mundane connectedness we possess especially strongly with those we love.

This isn’t true simply for lovers, either. It extends to our pets, and even to natural animals we encounter in our lives and maybe consciously cultivated with all living things.

Love the most noble of all human sentiments and is at the heart of many belief systems for a reason. It’s often been considered the prime motivation for life. It’s something that many of us are fortunate enough to partake in during our time here.

So when you wake up tomorrow or visit the next loved one you see…Whether a lover, a pet, or even a close friend…Appreciate how your actions and activities coexist and entangle with one another and observe the myriad of unsaid, unspoken bonds you have.

You just might be shocked to learn you already have psychic bonds of love!


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