Most Gifted

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Testimonials for Tabitha

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Y from PA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Greatful I had the chance to read with Tabitha, she jump right in told not to worry everything is gonna work out it is true love between us. We will be stronger than ever. I do trust her and her team. She right I feel it in my heart. So appreciate her.

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Georgia from CA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha is a fantastic and talented psychic with great advice! She has been a regular reader for me for almost a year. Can’t EVER think of having another reader! A few months ago, she has told me this “problem” case in which we’re dealing with difficult people is one of the craziest she’s ever encountered! After I speak with Tabitha I feel more calm and balanced! And know that I don’t say it enough—-Thank you, Tabitha for all your amazing insights and fascinating remote readings and visions! Looking forward to the next reading. Thank you…

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Sara from UT Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha has helped me through a very crazy time in my life, full of many changes. Her insight is remarkable. She has been spot on with how to handle personal relationship situations that I’ve had to work through. Her insight and help with focusing on the outcome has been exactly what I’ve needed to make my relationship a reality, through all the bumps in the road! She’s a patient, intuitive soul!

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Rosalynn from IL Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha is a talented reader with a natural gift and intuition to match. I can't believe how right Tabitha has been and how on target with situations that have come into focus. Tabitha is 100 percent genuine and says it how it is. I appreciate you, Tabitha. You answered all my questions patiently, gave good insight, and confirmed what I already knew about some questions. I am grateful for your support. Thank you, Tabitha.

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Anya from MA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha is very loving, she is always there for me, even when she is not online... I have asked her to help me and she logged back in!!!! She has told me that I will find a belly dancing class in Salem and I did:) All your predictions are coming True for me😊 Love you Tabitha😍

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Anonymous from CA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha is an EXCELLENT psychic and the ONLY one I prefer. I eagerly look forward to her advice, which is extremely helpful and truthful. She tells you like it is. If you’re looking for relationship advice, listen to Tabitha’s accurate psychic advice. She is also a compassionate and kind human being which is indeed a plus. Thank you so much, Tabitha!

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Christine from CA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha at extension 531 is the best in all matters! She has helped me for many years, especially on career matters! Try Tabitha today!

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Anya from MA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha's Gift is Amazing!!! Several months ago Tabitha told me about a woman named Danielle from the my boyfriend's past. He has not mentioned this name up until yesterday, so I thought that Tabitha made a mistake... Yesterday he said that Danielle is his wife!!!! Tabitha is Very Powerful and Caring:)))) Thank you for your Wisdom, dear Tabitha:)

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Shonna from GA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha, Thank you for always being so caring with your guidance through readings.

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Christine from CA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha has given me great financial & career advice over the years!

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Diane from MA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

If it hadn't happened, in front of my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it....But, it did....Within 24 hours of a prediction from Tabitha/531....It happened....I have continued to doubt her and she has continued to hold fast to her predictions....I can vouch for her authenticity and her Angel guides.....They are ON THE MONEY....She is more than a Psychic....she's a friend, a sister a mentor....

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Lakeisha from VA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Tabitha energy was great & I connected very well with her. Information was accurate & relayed some things that the universe presented with me as well. I don't like to give to much but she was spot on. Thank you for your help

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Liz from GA Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

I have called Tabatha repeatedly over the last few years, I always amazed by her gift, she is always correct and on point

“ Tabitha energy was great & I connected very well with her. Information was accurate & relayed some things that the universe presented with me as well. I don't like to give to much but she was spot on. Thank you for your help ”

Lakeisha from VA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have called Tabatha repeatedly over the last few years, I always amazed by her gift, she is always correct and on point ”

Liz from GA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I can't say enough about Tabitha/531....she's more than just a psychic....she's a friend, a sister a mentor a healer...I had some (dark) days over the past 6 weeks after my boyfriend and I split up.....I doubted her wisdom and what her guides saw on numerous occasions. I cried, she listened and helped to sooth my broken heart....All the while, telling me (it's NOT over)....You two will be back together....and POOF, just like that...We were/are.....Her gifts and guidance go above and beyond....Her advice and insights are a gift from the heavens above....Ty Tabitha ”

Diane from MA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I started working with Tabitha about 2.5 months ago. It all started when I did a big no no and had someone else text him and my boyfriend found out it was me, I owned it and admitted to him I did it. After a few days of him treating me badly I found MostGifted Psychics online and asked for the first available psychic and it was Tabitha, I explained to her what was going on and she guided me on exactly what to do and say, she said it will only last for a few more weeks and she was correct, Tabitha has been there for me through the whole course of things, everything was going good and she told me that there will be bumps in the road and Aug will be tough, boy she wasnt joking, and that Sept will be better, I keep asking her if should I walk away and just give up, she was very persistent on me not to do that, that he loves you very much and that shes a future for us, taking our trip, him moving in together and even marriage. As the weeks went by, me working with Tabitha everyday, the boyfriends and I relationship improved so much, than in the middle of Aug there was another bump in the road like she said it would happen, he blocked me and Tabitha said its due to his insecurities and that he will unblock me with 24 hours and he did just that, didnt talk to until the next day and we worked it out and he never brought it up again, I again asked her if I should just walk away and give up and she was no do not do this Sept will be different and u will see a big change in him, I was frustrated and stressed out, but she helped me through it all, things took a big change in or relationship the last few days of Aug, She told me he was thinking of making a surprise visits to my house and he did just that, his communication has improved a great deal and I'm so excited to see our future, If it wasnt for Tabitha being able to tell me what he was thinking and his true feeling I would have walked away al long time ago. Tabitha is very caring and without her I wouldnt have made it through these bumps in the road, I am very excited to see the future and with Tabithas help, support and guidance we will be able to make this journey a love story, Tabitha s the best of the best, and without her I would be where I am today, I will keep everyone posted and updated on my journey with the boyfriend and Tabitha. TABITHA IS THE BEST OF THE BEST ”

Kimberly from MO  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Speechless... !! I have been talking to Tabitah for over a year and never once have i been disappointed.. she is always calm and point blank. I am so happy that every single one of her predictions came true. This is a real deal physic, natural, humble, caring and the best i have ever encountered. I am lucky to have the privilege of speaking with her and will continue to get advice from her. Lots of love ”

Natasha from NY  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have had at leas 6 or 7 readings w/ Tabatha, And she is always right, whether its money, career or romance, she always gets it right and get to the root of the problem. ”

Elizabeth from GA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Where do I even begin to tell you all how wonderful and accurate and empathetic Tabitha was with us. We lost our indoor cat late wed night and the area we live in is full of coyotes, rattlesnakes and a bobcat even!!! We never thought we would see him again I was distraught with not knowing. Tabitha calmed my nerves promised he was alive and ok and over the course of the next 2 days literally step by step guided me to what area he was in!! We had not found him but an hr after i had to stop looking for the day i got a call and a neighbor said he saw my cat RIGHT where Tabitha had guided me to earlier. And guess what we ran over there and we found him and he is home safe and healthy just like Tabitha promised. I will always be indebted to her, had i not called her i may have given up we were sure he was gone!!! She not only helped me find my furry baby she was calm, kind, patient with all my emotions, and went out of her way to even schedule me in before her actual regular hours! It may sound silly but for us Tabitha is now part of our family in our hearts. I 100% recommend calling her for anything she will do her best to help your situation be resolved. Class act and for us an Angel!!! Tabitha 531 we appreciate and love u !! ”

Suzanne from AZ  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ First time reading on this site I absolutely love it. Tabitha has been on point of my POI. Give specific details and it's very caring. Can't wait to come back again. One of the best this far. I will be returning. ”

C.J. from CA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Off and on I've had readings with Tabitha/531.....she's had to put up with my skepticism and lack of faith for quite awhile.....I'm a work in progress...Her kindness and HER faith are what keeps me on track and moving forward. She's a light at the end of a dark tunnel....She's a sweetie who's always there with words of encouragement. ”

Diane from MA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha has dealt with my doubt, with the peculiarities of my person of interest (POI) and my weirdly dysfunctional family. My changes in location, in jobs, even DIFFERENT POIs! We have been through deaths and pandemics, and all the while she told me to keep the faith. I did, though I really challenged her predictions. She never doubted herself, though she understood why I might. It is why I trust her so much with what she says is honest, it is true. And I am in a committed relationship with what will likely be the most rewarding of my life, because of it. Thank you, Tabitha. With love... ”

Betsy  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Where do I even begin to tell you all how wonderful and accurate and empathic Tabitha was with us. We lost our indoor cat late wed night and the area we live in is full of coyotes, rattlesnakes and a bobcat even!!! We never thought we would see him again I was distraught with not knowing. Tabitha calmed my nerves promised he was alive and ok and over the course of the next 2 days literally step by step guided me to what area he was in!! We had not found him but an hr after i had to stop looking for the day i got a call and a neighbor said he saw my cat RIGHT where Tabitha had guided me to earlier. And guess what we ran over there and we found him and he is home safe and healthy just like Tabitha promised. I will always be indebted to her, had i not called her i may have given up we were sure he was gone!!! She not only helped me find my furry baby she was calm, kind, patient with all my emotions, and went out of her way to even schedule me in before her actual regular hours! It may sound silly but for us Tabitha is now part of our family in our hearts. I 100% recommend calling her for anything she will do her best to help your situation be resolved. Class act and for us an Angel!!! Tabitha 531 we appreciate and love u !! ”

Suzanne from AZ  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

"I have been working with Tabitha for almost a year now. I had lost all hope of my wife coming back to me. Tabitha told me that she was coming back to me and we were going to renew our vows. Well, my wife is back with me and she wants to renew our vows. So, don't give up. Tabitha and I were like brother and sister, always fighting and arguing. Thank you Tabitha for all your help. Take Care!"

Jerry from NC. Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is an amazing gifted psychic:) Her predictions are coming true:) Thank you for sharing your light with us! ”

Anya from MA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ It's very difficult to get thru to Tabitha....Because, she's AMAZING....Her "Psychic Gifts" are beyond approach and this girl has been blessed by God and the Universe with her insights......Ty Tabitha...Once again, you were "on the money" with your predictions.... ”

Diane from MA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ If it hadn't happened, in front of my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it....But, it did....Within 24 hours of a prediction from Tabitha/531....It happened....I have continued to doubt her and she has continued to hold fast to her predictions....I can vouch for her authenticity and her Angel guides.....They are ON THE MONEY....She is more than a Psychic....she's a friend, a sister a mentor.... ”

Diane from MA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have been talking to Tabitha for around a year now and she is a really amazing psychic. Moreover she is also an amazing animal psychic !! She has helped me with my two dressage horses and has achieved excellent results in a relatively short period off time . One is very anxious and sticks his tongue out but Tabitha has helped him with this and now when I compete him he does not do it in the ring ! She has really changed him and he just feels more relaxed when I ride him - both at home and at competitions .I have spent nearly 3 years trying to get inside his head but Tabitha achieved results in a matter of weeks! My other horse - a beautiful German dressage horse - was lazy and did not really want to listen to me. Now he is like a different horse - Tabitha told me he felt insecure as I had not had him long and was worried I did not love him and had not bonded with him. She reassured him he had a home for life and I loved him! Now he just does what I ask - he refused to go in my horse lorry when I got him. Now he walks straight in! And he, almost overnight , changed his ridden attitude and now wants to please me most of the time! He has stopped going backwards, grunting and bucking and now just goes nicely forward with just the lightest squeeze from my leg! I now no longer have to work hard to get him going - he offers to work with me and I feel he trusts me so much more. Tabitha truly has a special gift with my horses and she really has worked miracles with them through her special tuning in gift. Thank you Tabitha! ”

Kate from UK  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha energy was great & I connected very well with her. Information was accurate & relayed some things that the universe presented with me as well. I don't like to give to much but she was spot on. Thank you for your help ”

Lakeisha from VA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have called Tabatha repeatedly over the last few years, I always amazed by her gift, she is always correct and on point ”

Liz from GA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I can't say enough about Tabitha/531....she's more than just a psychic....she's a friend, a sister a mentor a healer...I had some (dark) days over the past 6 weeks after my boyfriend and I split up.....I doubted her wisdom and what her guides saw on numerous occasions. I cried, she listened and helped to sooth my broken heart....All the while, telling me (it's NOT over)....You two will be back together....and POOF, just like that...We were/are.....Her gifts and guidance go above and beyond....Her advice and insights are a gift from the heavens above....Ty Tabitha ”

Diane from MA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I started working with Tabitha about 2.5 months ago. It all started when I did a big no no and had someone else text him and my boyfriend found out it was me, I owned it and admitted to him I did it. After a few days of him treating me badly I found MostGifted Psychics online and asked for the first available psychic and it was Tabitha, I explained to her what was going on and she guided me on exactly what to do and say, she said it will only last for a few more weeks and she was correct, Tabitha has been there for me through the whole course of things, everything was going good and she told me that there will be bumps in the road and Aug will be tough, boy she wasnt joking, and that Sept will be better, I keep asking her if should I walk away and just give up, she was very persistent on me not to do that, that he loves you very much and that shes a future for us, taking our trip, him moving in together and even marriage. As the weeks went by, me working with Tabitha everyday, the boyfriends and I relationship improved so much, than in the middle of Aug there was another bump in the road like she said it would happen, he blocked me and Tabitha said its due to his insecurities and that he will unblock me with 24 hours and he did just that, didnt talk to until the next day and we worked it out and he never brought it up again, I again asked her if I should just walk away and give up and she was no do not do this Sept will be different and u will see a big change in him, I was frustrated and stressed out, but she helped me through it all, things took a big change in or relationship the last few days of Aug, She told me he was thinking of making a surprise visits to my house and he did just that, his communication has improved a great deal and I'm so excited to see our future, If it wasnt for Tabitha being able to tell me what he was thinking and his true feeling I would have walked away al long time ago. Tabitha is very caring and without her I wouldnt have made it through these bumps in the road, I am very excited to see the future and with Tabithas help, support and guidance we will be able to make this journey a love story, Tabitha s the best of the best, and without her I would be where I am today, I will keep everyone posted and updated on my journey with the boyfriend and Tabitha. TABITHA IS THE BEST OF THE BEST ”

Kimberly from MO  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Speechless... !! I have been talking to Tabitah for over a year and never once have i been disappointed.. she is always calm and point blank. I am so happy that every single one of her predictions came true. This is a real deal physic, natural, humble, caring and the best i have ever encountered. I am lucky to have the privilege of speaking with her and will continue to get advice from her. Lots of love ”

Natasha from NY  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have had at leas 6 or 7 readings w/ Tabatha, And she is always right, whether its money, career or romance, she always gets it right and get to the root of the problem. ”

Elizabeth from GA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Where do I even begin to tell you all how wonderful and accurate and empathetic Tabitha was with us. We lost our indoor cat late wed night and the area we live in is full of coyotes, rattlesnakes and a bobcat even!!! We never thought we would see him again I was distraught with not knowing. Tabitha calmed my nerves promised he was alive and ok and over the course of the next 2 days literally step by step guided me to what area he was in!! We had not found him but an hr after i had to stop looking for the day i got a call and a neighbor said he saw my cat RIGHT where Tabitha had guided me to earlier. And guess what we ran over there and we found him and he is home safe and healthy just like Tabitha promised. I will always be indebted to her, had i not called her i may have given up we were sure he was gone!!! She not only helped me find my furry baby she was calm, kind, patient with all my emotions, and went out of her way to even schedule me in before her actual regular hours! It may sound silly but for us Tabitha is now part of our family in our hearts. I 100% recommend calling her for anything she will do her best to help your situation be resolved. Class act and for us an Angel!!! Tabitha 531 we appreciate and love u !! ”

Suzanne from AZ  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ First time reading on this site I absolutely love it. Tabitha has been on point of my POI. Give specific details and it's very caring. Can't wait to come back again. One of the best this far. I will be returning. ”

C.J. from CA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Off and on I've had readings with Tabitha/531.....she's had to put up with my skepticism and lack of faith for quite awhile.....I'm a work in progress...Her kindness and HER faith are what keeps me on track and moving forward. She's a light at the end of a dark tunnel....She's a sweetie who's always there with words of encouragement. ”

Diane from MA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha has dealt with my doubt, with the peculiarities of my person of interest (POI) and my weirdly dysfunctional family. My changes in location, in jobs, even DIFFERENT POIs! We have been through deaths and pandemics, and all the while she told me to keep the faith. I did, though I really challenged her predictions. She never doubted herself, though she understood why I might. It is why I trust her so much with what she says is honest, it is true. And I am in a committed relationship with what will likely be the most rewarding of my life, because of it. Thank you, Tabitha. With love... ”

Betsy  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Where do I even begin to tell you all how wonderful and accurate and empathic Tabitha was with us. We lost our indoor cat late wed night and the area we live in is full of coyotes, rattlesnakes and a bobcat even!!! We never thought we would see him again I was distraught with not knowing. Tabitha calmed my nerves promised he was alive and ok and over the course of the next 2 days literally step by step guided me to what area he was in!! We had not found him but an hr after i had to stop looking for the day i got a call and a neighbor said he saw my cat RIGHT where Tabitha had guided me to earlier. And guess what we ran over there and we found him and he is home safe and healthy just like Tabitha promised. I will always be indebted to her, had i not called her i may have given up we were sure he was gone!!! She not only helped me find my furry baby she was calm, kind, patient with all my emotions, and went out of her way to even schedule me in before her actual regular hours! It may sound silly but for us Tabitha is now part of our family in our hearts. I 100% recommend calling her for anything she will do her best to help your situation be resolved. Class act and for us an Angel!!! Tabitha 531 we appreciate and love u !! ”

Suzanne from AZ  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha has consistently been so on target for me. I went through a pretty big health crisis over the last year and, while of course she couldn't provide medical advice, she did send healing vibes and positive energy to me and trusted that I would come through it okay. And I have. She also has given very helpful career and relationship advice that I really cherish. She is not only accurate but very caring as well. Rock on Tabitha! ”

Chris from CT  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have been calling Tabitha for about 10 years now and she is wonderful. I never thought I was going to get married but she always said I would. I was hung up on my son's father for about 15 years and then I finally started dating when I started a new job in 2016. I was friends with my classmate and we never thought about each other in a romantic way. We were strictly platonic friends for about a year and then we started seeing each other as a little more than friends. I fell in love with him first and he just kept saying he didn't feel the same about me. We weren't each others' types at all and we didn't think it would work out. Tabitha kept telling me I was going to marry him and I never believed her. I kept saying he doesn't like me that way. Finally, one day out of the blue he said well I guess I am going to tell my parents about you and we are going to get married. I was shocked because we had been casually seeing each other for 1.5 years and known each other for 3 years and I never thought he was going to want to marry me. We got married November, 2, 2019 and I couldn't be happier! Tabitha was right and I can't thank her enough. Thank you Tabitha and if you want to talk with someone genuine and accurate call her. ”

Stephanie from CA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Well Tabitha did it again and she is wonderful at extension 531 she has really been working on something and everybody needs to check back and see how it's going! EVERYONE!!!!!!so, as of June 2020 which Tabitha has indicated that it's going to be the week of June 8th. I WILL have something that I've been waiting for and I pray for this! SO EVERYONE, get back and stay tuned for the month of June, early part of June also! Thee entire office Steve, Tony, & Amy is also wonderful!!! Steve you've become like my family. I adore talking to him as well and he always spends the time talking to me! Thank you for being real! ”

B from CT  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ In the past I have used Tabitha 531 for a lost item in our home which she helped me find so I reached out to her again for a very difficult real estate transaction I was going though. She guided me during the entire process, this was a situation where it would be a miracle if it could have gone through as I was trying to accomplish something which I had almost given up on. Tabitha was very confident things would work out in my favor. She told me that from the beginning and was able to provide a good time line along with certain routes to take and make careful decisions which could help speed up the process. She is very knowledgable, caring, understood what I was going through and because of her help I was able to complete this important real estate transaction which was truly a miracle. Thank you Tabitha, you are truly amazing with your gift and are very blessed to be able to share it to help others. ”

Shehzad from GA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is one of the best psychics ever, very honest and accurate on every point she predicts. Her predictions DO come true. Presently I am experiencing a difficult emotional time cleaning out my mother's home, and I am doing it alone without my siblings help. Tabitha has been a God send to me for emotional support. Tabitha had instructed me to go through Mom's clothing pockets for money she had hidden. (Which I had found.) Tabitha even predicted for me to check between the mattress and box spring on all beds, as well as her freezer once again I had found large sums of money just as predicted. I can't say enough to trust Tabitha with your problems and she will definitely guide you in the correct direction with love and support. ”

Amy from PA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha 531 - is unbelievable wow so real honest, patient, profesional, caring, sincere, very accurate and again so very honest. Tabitha, she has predicted things that actually came true. I would not switch for anybody else! I recommend her highly she is a top 10 and I'm glad that I found her on here. nobody else can do this and i have dealt with many. Once i found the mostgifted, i will never deal with anyone else. Tabitha,she's just that accurate on everything and if it doesn't come right away, it will!! Believe in Tabitha, you will have to believe to receive and that is what she does I would never ever switch with anyone else thank you so much for all your help. Tabitha, is always there for you no matter what. Tabitha 531, is always there all the time for me. Thank you for being real and being with a company that is the same. Thank you too Steve, for your help as well so reach out to Tabitha at 531. You won't regret it!!!!!! I could say more you have to work with her and try her she does get busy but she always make sure that she makes herself available. I have never seen and all the years that I have been dealing with several ones of how much Tabitha is so different and so real and so accurate she's just that good I have not found anybody else that's like her I do hope that you understand my full paragraphs and I am being so truthful with you all. ”

Burdette from NY  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Hi Tabitha one of your prediction came through today. You said that you saw an ex wanting to come back into my life. Well you were right. I can't wait for the rest to come to true. You are the best. I didn't expect to hear from this person but I did its someone from my past as you said. ”

Neela from MD  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is amazing! I have had a lot of readings but she has by far been the best and most accurate. Thank you! ”

Karen from MI  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is one of the best psychics ever very honest accurate very on point everything she says come through always recommend can't wait to talk to her again ”

Yolanda from GA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I would like to take the time to mention a very wonderful person. By the name of miss Tabatha. Two years ago I spoke with Miss Tabatha and she told me that the woman I had currently likeed at the time was the woman that will be with me for life. She also told me that someone will get involved in our relationship and try to mess things up but if I hang in there it would be the best choice I ever made. As time went on I was having the time of my life with the woman of my life. A year had went pass and I wasnt talking with Miss Tabatha as much. I was just having fun with my girl and enjoying life. During the spring time that person she mentioned in the reading had came in and changed our relationship and my world for the worst. When everything fell I was trying to find Miss Tabatha. majority of the time I would call and she would be on another call. Me not being patient I would try to talk with others on the line. in this process I found a couple people on here and they treated me like family and told me some stuff. And to be honest I found some that didnt match with me at all. But none of them were like Miss Tabitha. When I finally got back with Miss Tabatha she realized and told me there were more stuff that has happened then me nor her could imagine. she told me to not give up and she is on the case. From that day on she was. Miss Tabatha was giving me instructions to do things I never thought of doing. She would give me detailed information from her side and tell me what to do on my side. Day and night she never stopped working on the case and for that I never gave up on her and my relationship. There were times where I was running low on money or I just didnt have any at all and I will do side jobs like Uber eats just to keep everything on track and do my part to help out on the case. As time started to move on they started to look better and the things miss Tabatha was asking me to do starting to show up everywhere. as of last week me and my girl are back on track. I cannot tell you how happy I am right now. Me and Miss Tabatha still have a lot to work on in this relationship and thats not the only thing that she is helping me with. But as far as my relationship I will write again to let you know more on the outcome. I just wanted to let you know what a great person miss Tabatha is. And if anyone is reading this and is trying to decide who you should get your reading from I would say if youre looking for a and very detailed person who will not stop at anything to make sure you get what youre searching for. Stop looking you have found the right person right here. Mike ”

Mike from MD  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is wonderful I'm glad that I waited and it was difficult trying to get a hold of her at first because of the original person that I had which was the operator but they have made up for it Stephen Amy are wonderful to deal with and of course Tabitha is excellent I'm very blessed to have been able to reach out to her and to deal only with her I'm sure everybody that they have that's affiliated with this company is good but I will never change I will always stay with Tabitha very accurate and someday I hope to meet her she's just that good ”

Burdette from NY  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I just want to thank you for always making me feel better. You have so much compassion and empathy and it is greatly appreciated. Patiently waiting for things to start happening. ”

Karen from MI  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is amazing! She just has this way of making you feel calm and knowing that everything will be ok. ”

Karen from MI  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Well, Tabitha has done it again. After accurately predicting that I'd meet the person whom I've long admired, I did just that. It was in a business capacity with other people present; however, not one hour after the meeting I ran into this person randomly on the street, a very pleasant meeting to say the least! (Although brief, as I was on my way to dinner to meet an old friend. But a very pleasant surprise!) Talk about the universe working in strange ways, Tabitha really restored my faith in that. She really has stayed with me as I had my doubts about ever even meeting this person in any way, and she also has given very great and practical advice regarding family and career. Especially now, as I am at a crossroads in my life and need some guidance. Again, a wonderful psychic and an authentic friend. ”

Chris from CT  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is the best, everything she predicted came through. I have spoken to her many times for the past year. I recently contacted her about an immigration matter and she told me that everything will work out that there will be no issues and she was right. Everything happened exactly as she said. I'm waiting for her final prediction to come true so I can leave her another review. She is the best. ”

Neela from MD  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Omg tabitha is the best psychic I�ve ever talked to period. She picked up on everything without me telling her anything. Other psychics you provide with some info they said the same things she said. But I provided her with just my name and date of birth and she went from there she�s amazing ?? omg will contact soon. I wish I I had more funds ”


Lolo34 from Chicago  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha has been a very caring and compassionate psychic who predictions are spot on. She is a very good listener and can pick up on situations and elaborate on them in an uncanny, accurate way. Case in point: someone I've been interested in knowing more about is now advancing to another stage in his career which Tabitha predicted would happen months ago. She is also very detailed yet very measured and careful about her predictions, which I admire. Honest to a fault and no BS but in a caring way. In short, an excellent psychic. ”

Chris from CT  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I would to thank Tabitha for all her support and patience. I did not believe that I would see a special man in my life again. Things looked so bleak and Tabitha kept telling me to believe and that she was certain that He and I would see one another again. She was right! I know Tabitha has a real GOD given gift she's been such a blessing to me. I can't wait to give another testimonial about something else pertaining to he and I she predicted! ”

Julie from GA   Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ From the first time I spoke with Tabitha, she has been my go to person. Her readings always remain the same and can ask her question. Tabitha is nonjudgmental and always feel comfortable. She cares about her clients and will never sugarcoat anything. I understand why she is the most popular. I spoke with others on this site and say she is the best hands down. ”

Tamara from IL   Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I absolutely think this woman have AMAZING INTUITION. I have beven speaking to many psychics ranging from various quality sources n she is one of the best of the best. I have chosen three psychics from my consultation with about 100 different ones from different sites n I will definitely be using this site because of her. Thank you! ”

Sharmeen from Pennsylvania   Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Hi, as most people, I was unsure if this service would work or not as I have not used a psychic before. I called in and spoke to Steven about a couple of lost items recently. He referred me to Tabitha at ext 531. I spoke to her and she was wonderful to talk to, very professional and caring. She asked the important questions and I did my best to answer them in regards to our lost items. My situation was a little harder than most as I was not sure if the items were in my house or we dropped them somewhere. Tabitha knew exactly where it would be and told me I would find the items within 24 hours. I ended up finding them within 15 minutes of getting off of the call with her! She is fantastic, detailed, cares to help save the client money and wholeheartedly cares about the problem at hand. Give her a try, you don't have anything to lose but only to gain! This worked for me and my family is very happy and will now be firm believers! ”

Shehzad from Atlanta, GA   Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha, thank you for a wonderful reading. I am so hopeful for my future and all the good things coming my way. You were so accurate. I would like to speak to you again 🙂 ”

Brittany from VA   Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is the best .... She was dead on with everything,she gave me Insight on things that took place and that are going to take place, she assured me to stick it out with my man, because things are definitely going to get better ,call Tabitha you won't be sorry ”

Taja - Los Angeles, CA   Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I just wanted to say how amazing and special this woman is. She works so very hard an gives of her time and gifts with such compassion an is so genuinely caring. She is s favorite for a reason. Her gifts are very far reaching in sight and accuracy. She always focus's on the positives an gives you ways to deal with the negative. I am faced with some very hard life moments an there's been a few people helping me throug this in my private life an on this site. Tabitha thank you for tonight shorter then I'd if liked to talk. But we'll catch up. Thank you for always directing me back towards hope in this process. When I want to give up.. it's like having you in my own person cheering corner. I know you are well loved by ur clients. We are so lucky to have you. ”

Alicia- Reno, NV   Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have developed a close relationship with Tabitha. I call her Sister. One doesn't say this for just anyone unless there is something special about that person. Tabitha has proven from day one that my problem is as if it was hers to solve. Knowing her for almost nine months, she has always told me honest predictions, even if it is hard to digest. It is her ability to communicate that touches your heart. Some of her predictions have already come to past as true and accurate. On some, we are still waiting for God Almighty to Bless them to me. Tabitha has proven to be 95% accurate when it comes to timings of predictions. Humbled with honest predictions makes her different from many I have met in life. She has never claimed to be God Almighty. She has always stressed that on most life events, she can see the timings of events but on some, she is only given the surety of a life event to take place, but the timing of an event in the future can be unclear at times. It is because of the Blessings of God Almighty that have put Tabitha in my life that I have waited patiently Praying to God Almighty and not acted in haste which would have ultimately led me to regret later in life. Her gifted ability to see in the future, and her caring attitude towards me has saved me from making mistakes that would have otherwise proved to be disastrous had I not consulted her. In summary, all her predictions have come to past with timings mostly accurate by 95%. On her latest predictions, which are also very important to me in life, have yet to come to past. I could not wait any longer to drop my testimony about her. She has proven to be a valuable asset to many people. Tabitha may sometimes be difficult to get a hold of, a testimony in itself that she has a special gift people constantly return to her for help because of her special ability God Almighty has given her. Despite her busy schedule, she often has me paged by the Office, where she updates me with critical events in my life. That tells me that she is looking after my issues of life and informs me immediately to alert me. I have never seen anyone do this for me, which is what makes her even more special. I would recommend everyone to reach out to her and for those reading my testimony that already know her, would attest to my statement as true. May God Bless Tabitha and I thank the mostgiftedpsychic network for enabling Tabitha in helping other people in need. ”

Raza - Houston, TXnbsp; Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have been working with Tabitha for almost a year now. I had lost all hope of my wife coming back to me. Tabitha told me that she was coming back to me and we were going to renew our vows. Well, my wife is back with me and she wants to renew our vows. So, don't give up. Tabitha and I were like brother and sister, always fighting and arguing. Thank you Tabitha for all your help. Take Care! ”

Jerry from Charlotte, N.C.  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I want to thank you Tabitha. My drivers license had been missing for two weeks. I need to travel and needed it. I asked you, you said to "look in your car in b/t the seat". I called and prayed with my prayer partner as well to locate it. My prayer was heard, I looked down and it was in between the seat, just as you said. You were SPOT ON! I had looked around in my car before and hadn't seen it but I didn't search under the seat or between. It was there. Thank you. Just Fyi: I asked two other psychics on a different service, one told me it was at a restauraunt, the other said in my home I pass it everyday, it's under papers. You were right!!! Thanks for listening all the times I call you and encouraging me. For being honest and staying positive. God is positive! I choose to believe you and come into agreement and have faith for the very best. Thank you again. You have blessed me so much. You've been accurate about everything I've asked you and it has been lifechanging! ”

Anon- from CA  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is amazing, she is incredible, and she is true. I trusted her completely while she continues to help and support me on my journey........more of this amazing love story to come so stay tuned 🙂 I LOVE you Tabitha!!!! ”

Lisa from Anchorage, Alaska  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ she rocks! I will be back! ! ”

Carrie  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I would like to give a testimonial regarding Tabitha. She was straight to the point and touched on major points I needed to hear. I will be calling her often! ”

Natasha from OH,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is really Awesome. ”

Anon from GA,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha was really pleasant and helpful. I found her reading to be really powerful and I agreed with what she said. I really enjoyed the reading and recommend her. ”

Maria,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ thanks for telling my the truth ”

Stephanie from VA,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I don't usually do this, but I wanted to share my feelings and experience with Tabitha so that she might possibly be able to help someone else as much as she has helped me. I know when calling on a Psychic reader it can be difficult to know who to trust. I have worked with Tabitha for almost two years now and I feel truly blessed to have her in my life. She is Amazing! I have had many readings from other Psychics and I have to say, Tabitha is the most authentic reader I have ever spoken with. I know when I speak with her it's real, she doesn't just tell me what I want to hear. She has predicted things that no one else did. Through her predictions and advice, I am in the most incredible relationship of my life. She has also guided me in business and other personal issues. If it wasn't for Tabitha, I would not be where I am. She is authentic and sincere. I highly recommend her. CALL her, you will not be disappointed! TY Tabitha. 🙂 ”

Shelly from CA,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha was very accurate and straight forward. She doesn't give you those cold, none-detailed readings like the other psychics out there do. Very caring and straight forward person...even if you dont want to hear it!!! Keep up the good work...thx!!! ”

Netta from MS,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have had many readings over the past couple of months, Tabitha being among one of the first I spoke with during a tough time. She is AMAZING. she told me of something that would happen that at the time didn't make sense but came true just like she said! Just waiting for part two of the prediction now 🙂 ”

A from NV,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ OMG, Please call her she 's good ”

Lisa from GA,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ she was so good really confident. all good stuff i hope it comes to fruition. ”

Sam from CA,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha has been a God send. She is the most accurat psychic I have ever spoken with. I can't wait to speak with her again. ”

Vicki from SD,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I had a great reading and she gave me great advice. I look forward to seeing if her predictions come true. Thanks for the reading. ”

Jennifer from IL,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Thank you so much for giving me the courage and the hope to hang on just a little longer. You were very accurate about my brat and his ways. I thought I was being foolish loving him the way that I do. I am praying that your predictions come true. I cant see my life with him. It would be like living life without colors. I will keep you posted definitely! 5 stars plus one for you****** ”

Christina from NC,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha really set my mind at ease when it came to questions about a recent relationship of mine. Everything she said made perfect sense. ”

James from AZ,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ It was a wonderful experience to talk to Tabitha I asked her alot of questions and she had no problem answer each one,and spot on thanks. ”

Jodi from MA,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ Tabitha is a really nice person to talk to about almost anything. She really makes me feel good and if what she told me about my son happens - I really be happy for him. I have to wait for some more of the things she told me but she was right on quite a few things. Thanks again ”

Janet from IL,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have been consulting with Tabitha for the past few months. She has been a tremendous insite. Very accurate & straight to the point. I trust her and will deffinately be calling back. ”

Vicki from SD,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

“ I have spoken with Tabitha several times and she's been very honest and straight forward. She doesn't sugar coat anything. Her reading has always been the same, she hasn't strayed or deviated from what she initially told me when we first spoke. Thank you Tabitha for at least making me feel like I have some hope. Now only time will tell. ”

Cindy from PA,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

" This was the best psychic reading I've ever had. At the beginning of the reading Tabitha did warn me that she was an HONEST reader, and would NOT tell me things that weren't true. I believe her 100%, which made me feel factastic about the reading! ”

Erin from IL,  Reading with Tabitha at Ext 531

Testimonials for Harley

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Diane from MA Reading with Harley at Ext 199

Today, was a tough day. Harley calmed me down with her kind and gentle words. Ty Harley. She's gifted and gentle during her readings.

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D. from AL Reading with Harley at Ext 199

Harley is one of the best readers on the site. She’s compassionate and very accurate. I really enjoy our conversations. Thanks Harley for helping me! Please give her a try I promise you won’t be disappointed!!!!!!

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Ruth from IA Reading with Harley at Ext 199

I've dealt with Harley many times on a man and she is efficient and truly "right on the money" in helping me. She's also very loving and kind. Thanks so much, Harley!

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Christine from CA Reading with Harley at Ext 199

Thank you Harley for great advice on all matters!

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Diane from MA Reading with Harley at Ext 199

Once (again) I needed guidance on something and Harley/199 was available....She is kind and non judgmental and gets right to the heart of the matter and reads my (POI) as if SHE knew him...She's right on the money with her descriptions and her advice. Ty (once again) Harley

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Diane from MA Reading with Harley at Ext 199

I was in dire straits and my two "go to" psychics were not logged in.....I took a chance and spoke with Harley/199..She was off and running and very on point without any prompting from me.....She calmed me down, which I needed and gave me some wonderful wisdom during the reading.....Ty Harley

Harley is very Accurate with giveing answers to your questions. Will advise you on options that will help you.

Tamara from NY  Reading with Harley at Ext 199

Harley/199 is a pleasure to speak with....She picks up on things very quickly and is off and running. She's sweet and kind and funny.....give her a won't be disappointed.

Diane from MA  Reading with Harley at Ext 199

I've got a soon as more people realize how talented and sweet this girl is....The harder it will be to get a reading from her....Because, the lines will be jammed up. Once again, she came thru with her predictions and they were "right on the money".....Ty Harley....your Psychic Angels are AMAZING....

Diane from MA  Reading with Harley at Ext 199


Testimonials for Sasha

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Victoria from TX Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

My very first reading with MGP was beyond amazing and it was either SASHA. So I am a reader myself but we commit se our s**t bcz we have our own earthly lessons to learn, so we teach our to our star family as well fir assistance in this earthly experience. I reached out to Sasha. And KEMNE TELL YIU. From one reader to another!, Sasha is absolutely connected to the DIVINE with specific and precise delivery of questions and answers you never even knew you had.! Call her … if you can handle or want TRUTH and Clarity and PEACE

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Elaine from RI Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Thank you Sasha, You clearly have helped me to feel better, knowing life has people like you who can help make sense of our feelings and give us hope is a special gift. thank you again. Sasha is worth the call.

testimonial icon
T.B. from MD Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

I have been reading with Sasha 4 years now and she has always been right. She’s very detailed and her readings pretty much never change. She does not sugar-coat, she will tell you the truth regardless of how you may feel. Sasha is the best.

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Monique from New Carrollton, MD , Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Just had an amazing reading with Sasha! She knew so much and gave exact details. She made me feel comfortable, I wish I could have had more time. I will definitely be calling to speak with her again!

Sasha was very friendly, fast, accurate, detailed! Picked up right with people and personalities! Answered all my questions very quickly! Gave good news to come!

- member18 from New York, NY ,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Sasha was very aware of my situation without me telling her. She addressed many of my concerns with a quiet calming voice. She only asked my name and was very accurate with what she said . She is quite an empath and answered my question quickly and with depth . I will definitely be calling her again .

- Barb from FL,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

I had a wonderful reading with Sasha, she did not rush when reading and she went straight to the point. In just a few minutes I got so much information from her and she was right on the spot, like she already knew me. I didn't have to give her any information, I only asked. I wish I had more time left because as I realized how accurate she was, I wanted to ask more. I definitely will be calling back. Thank you Sasha!

- Eliane from Oakland, CA,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

SASHA is awesome !!!! she picked up things that I didn't tell her. she is the real deal. I am blown away with her accuracy. ty sooooooo much

- Tamikeo from GA,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

I have tried other sites before and I can honestly say that I have talked to many advisors in the past but Sasha was the absolute best that I have ever experienced. She knew things that only I had dreamed and I mean literally in my dreams. To say I was floored would be an understatement. She knew things that amazed me! It was an electrifying experience and I have a certain hope for the future now. She definitely gave me confirmation on the things I needed to know. I'm now a lifetime customer. No point in wasting money on other sites.

- Charmaine from AR,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Sasha is very comforting and easy to talk to picks up very quickly and is very patient and speaks so clearly. Answers quetions clearly and easily and explains things with so much care. She's a gem.

- Beverly from CA,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Sasha was right on target. I gained insights that have been helpful in situations thanks to her! I recommend this site highly!

- Michele from FL,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Sasha was on point! Dates, decriptions of people in my life and things to come were all accurate

- Kierstan from MD,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

i liked Sasha's reading a lot, i wish it could go on and on.

- Kathy from IL,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

I felt like Sasha was very confident in her prediction. Let's see what happens!

- Silvana from NY,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

I enjoyed my reading with Sasha/597...She was so kind and understanding...And, very helful...

- Diane from MA,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Sasha was AMAZING!! She knew things no one knew and was honest and sweet! She gave me some great advice and I will be calling again VERY soon! TY so much Sasha!!

- Rebecca from ,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Sasha was absolutely wonderful and so accurate! She has put my mind and my heart, at ease! Thank you Sasha!!

- Debbie from CO,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Read with Sasha. I am more than impressed. Sasha is very professional and is not only a gifted psychic but also gifted as a councelor as well. She is really doing a great service in the world. Thank you Sasha for being you and following your true calling and expressing your gifts & insight. Looking forward to speaking with you again, and I highly recommend you to others.

- Sarah from TX,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Sasha is very kind and warm and an excellent psychic. You can ask her anything and she will always give you an answer. She knew about a business i was trying to start and what type. She was right about people in my life. I absolutely love her!

- Suzan from NY,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Sasha was very accurate with my reading, I really enjoyed it,she was one of the best pyschics I have had,I would definitely call her again!

- Desiree from NY,  Reading with Sasha at Ext 597

Testimonials for Roseanne

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R. from IL Reading with Roseanne at Ext 951

I have had quite a few readings from Rosanne. Each reading she has been compassionate, kind, and spot on. She is able to pick up quickly with limited information. She is highly intuitive, and pleasant to speak to. I am so blessed to have met you. Thank you for a wonderful experience each time we talk. ~Infinite blessings

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Anya from Boston, MA Reading with Roseanne at Ext 951

Dear Roseanne, you have been right again! Last Friday you told me that you feel very strongly that he will contact me and the same day he called and asked for a date?? Your happy client

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Anya from Boston, MA Reading with Roseanne at Ext 951

Thanks so much for your correct prediction!!! He was very passionate just like you said:)))))

testimonial icon
Anya from Boston, MA Reading with Roseanne at Ext 951

Dear Roseanne, thanks so much for your prediction! He called within the same hour you told me:) I would recommend you to anyone who wants to know the truth about their partner... Look for ward talking to you again:)))

I been dealing with Rose for approximately 8 years now and all i can say she is the best of the best especially with a amazing special gift i lost things she tell me where they are timing wise def 85% she sas been accurate with me!! Rose is caring honest and love what she does.Rose is here to help you and that she sure does in every perpective. Please give her a try you definitely will not be disappointed !!!!!! I have not yet !!!

Carmen from NY  Reading with Rosanne at Ext 951

Roseanne is the most accurate. She is the best and i will not settle for less !!!!!!!!!

Carmen from NJ  Reading with Rosanne at Ext 951

Your predictions are so correct! You are amazing;)

- Anya from Boston, MA  Reading with Roseanne at Ext 951

Testimonials for Destiny Child

testimonial icon
Yolanda from GA Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

I absolutely love destiny's child she has become close to me more like family I love this lady everything she has said in the past 6 years I have been talking to her have always come to pass she has never stayed me wrong looking forward to talking to you again in the future

testimonial icon
Yolanda from GA Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

I have been talking to this lady for more than 5 years never stared me wrong she's always accurate and on point 100% the best I've ever talked to cannot wait to talk to you again she is very blessed and have a great gift

testimonial icon
Natasha from NYC Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

Destiny Childs readings are so accurate you don’t have to say much and she nail it! I never rate anyone before but she gets 5 star from me

Destiny Childs readings are so accurate you don’t have to say much and she nail it! I never rate anyone before but she gets 5 star from me

- Natasha from NYC   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

The best reading i ever had, simple, straight on point, definitly a gifted and blessed million thank you.. just awesome..full 5 star..??

- Natasha from NYC   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

I enjoyed my call with destiny child. She is very good!! & she validated some things I already knew...thanks for the tip I will buy some tomorrow morning first thing!!! I tried calling back but I realized I don't have enough money to get back to you...

- Jane from Sacramento, CA   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

I had a reading from destiny child and she was so amazing and real. I asked her questions that I knew she couldn't had know just to humor me and she was on point every time. I will recommend her to anyone that wants psychic guidance. I wish I could talk to her all day that's how much she helped me. She don't sugarcoat anything she's gone keep it real with u.

- Dereka from Inianapolis   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

Destiny Child is the truth. She was so uplifting and powerful. I had a rough day and she calm my fears. She explained everything thoroughly. DC is also very warm and caring. I will call again in the future trust that!

- Tamara from IL   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

Destiny Childs is a gift from above. Blessed blessed blessed. She is real and you need to speak with her she is accurate and the real deal. The only one I'm ever going to speak with. It will give you chills.

- Lena from Palm coast   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

From the first day we had a instant connection, Very honest ,straight foward to the point .Its only been a couple days and Im starting to see a change within myself ,I'm always looking foward to speak with her she puts everything into prospective defently well worth the time .

- Keosha from Kentucky   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

I had concerns about a friend I liked she was very honest. I'm currently now just waiting for the phone call she said I will receive. Thanks ?? I'm definitely calling back.

- Tee from Maryland   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

Destiny Child is indeed the real thing, annointed and on point. It was one of the best experience I had in a while. She new where I wanted to be married, how my soul mate felt and many more things and events. Definitely five star rating !

- Phylisha from Copperas Cove   Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

Destiny child is one of the best I don't have to say anything she knows exactly what's happening what's going on and how I'm feeling she is great she is one of the best readings are very accurate

- Yolanda from Atlanta GA  Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

amazing reading, destiny child is new things that nobody nows she shocked me, i recommend her to everybody you will be very happy, i will always come back to her.

- Maria from Tarrytown, NY  Reading with Destiny Child at Ext 743

WOW! I absolutely was blown away by Destiny's Child. She is truly psychic. She doesn't waste a minute of your time, tells you a ton of stuff very quickly. She JUST KNOWS everything without your having to tell a thing. I have spoken with many, but she is of a much higher caliber. She also leaves you feeling empowered, even when she tells you something you don't want to hear. She is truly amazing and I am happy I spoke to her!

- Kim from NJ  Reading with Destiny's Child at Ext 743

Destiny Childs is the real deal. I feel like I can talk to her about any and everything,and I always know that I'm going to get a straight and honest answer. She makes me feel so much better after I talk to her. Even though I've never met her in person I feel like she is a great person. She will tell you the truth no matter what. And I truly appreciate her honesty. She is the BEST

- Angelique from MI  Reading with Destiny's Child at Ext 743

I just want to say that Destiny's Child is AWESOME. She AWAYS tells the truth and is loving and kind. I have been reading with her for two years and she is the best!! If you want TRUTH and ACCURACY call Destiny Childs

- A from MI  Reading with Destiny's Child at Ext 743

I've had tons of Psychic readings over the years from lots of different Psychics and there are the want a be Psychics (still trying to hone their gift)and then there's Destiny. She is the real deal she won't waste your money or time and will get to the core of the situation immediately. I have called her with a few serious problems that I won't share with anyone but her. Her will help you understand what's really going on. Destiny is a true blessing. Thank you Destiny!!!

- Jenny from NC  Reading with Destiny's Child at Ext 743

My readings with Destiny's Child are on point everytime. She is able to describe my situation and the people around me. I am completely blown away and I am thankful for her guidance and feedback.

- Lindsay from TX,  Reading with Destiny's Child at Ext 743

Testimonials for The Spirit Man

testimonial icon
Aimee from WI Reading with The Spirit Man at Ext 245

Friendly, detailed, helpful, well addressed answers. Recommend.

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Judy from CT Reading with The Spirit Man at Ext 245

Spirit man is the absolute best psychic I have ever spoken to, extremely knowledgeable and very quick with answers!!

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L.W. from MI Reading with The Spirit Man at Ext 245

Loved his energy. Very soothing. Good reading overall.

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Ella from CA Reading with The Spirit Man at Ext 245

I highly recommend Spirit Man 245, he is very caring & friendly & readings are amazing, he does not ask you so many questions in order to give you an answer, he does mostly spiritual reading.Give him & try you will be happy about his reading!

Testimonials for Sophia

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Koreda from CA, Reading with Sophia at Ext 171

Sorry I ran out of money and I did not have a chance to thank you. Thank you so much for your good advice, clear and detailed readings. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

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Kim from NJ, Reading with Sophia at Ext 171

WOW! I was literally blown away. She just started talking and I could not believe how much she truly understood the background of the story and the person in question. I barely had to say anything and she told me everything. Not everything she told me was what I wanted to hear but she delivered the news with kindness and compassion and I felt very empowered. Thank you Sophia!

Testimonials for Julia

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K.A. from CA Reading with Julia at Ext 195

Picked up on a lot of details. Good. Friendly. Postive. Good reading!

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Susan from FL Reading with Julia at Ext 195

Fantastic. Did not have to give leads. Went straight in to it. Very accurate.

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J.S. from GA Reading with Julia at Ext 195

She was good. A very nice lady. Intuitive. I really liked her.

Testimonials for Merlin

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Diane from MA Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

Its been quite sometime since speaking with Merlin....Only because, he's on much later (in the wee hours of the morning) and I'm usually asleep....However, tonight I woke up and found he was logged in and called him...It was like speaking with a long lost friend....He remembered me and was so kind and so gentle with his words....(I've missed him so much)....He's a wonderful psychic...tuned into everything and described my situation and (my) person of interest to a tee.....His insights and suggestions are amazingly accurate....

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Cheri from FL Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

Merlin is an excellent reader and person. He is professional, kind, and respectful. I am happy I found this reader.

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Diane from MA Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

Speaking with Merlin is always like speaking with a friend. He's sweet, kind and gentle with his words. He's a gifted Psychic and the real deal.

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Liz from GA Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

Merlin gave me an accurate reading, unbelievable, he saw the situation as though he was right there when it happen, he's the real deal

Speaking with Merlin is like talking with a lovely old friend. He's sweet and down to earth and gets right down to the heart of the matter. His readings will leave you in awe of his gifts and kindness towards his clients.

Diane from MA  Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

I think Merlin x177 immediately picked up on my situation and tuned into the details of what was transpiring. I am sure his predictions will transpire!

- Janell from CO,  Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

thanks! Merlin made me feel so much better!!!

- Margaret from PA,  Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

A few months back I was going through a tough time! Merlin saw a lot of good things coming my way. He told me in detail. He also told me that a large sum of money was coming my way! Which came true:) Merlin is my favorite because he is so easy to talk to he gives me hope ad has a wonderful gift!

- Jenny from NC,  Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

This is the first time I have ever got a reading from Merlin to me he was excellent !!!! I would definitely get another reading from him . His psychic ability is amazing I feel you will not be disappointed and feel great after your reading!

- Carmen from NJ,  Reading with Merlin at Ext 177

Testimonials for Mike

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Christine from CA Reading with Mike at Ext 611

Thank you Mike for helping me with my career-related questions!

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Diane from MA Reading with Mike at Ext 611

There are ONLY two Psychics on the line that I speak with.....and Mike/611 is one of them.....He's a brother, a father and mentor....His soothing voice resonates and reminds me of my dad....His wisdom and positive outlook on life are a breath of fresh air....It's always nice to get a guys perspective as well.....Ty Mike

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Diane from MA , Reading with Mike at Ext 611

It's been quite a long time since I've spoken to this kind and generous spirit.........He's a brother, a friend, a father to his clients.....His words of wisdom and predictions are on target with other psychics....Ty Mike for your kind words....I've missed you.

Mike 611 is an extraordinary psychic. I have consulted him consistently for the past 7 years over several life-changing incidents. He has been amazingly accurate, sometimes down to the exact date, particularly in relationship to outcomes. He has been a constant confident and psychic advisor during this period, and I am so very grateful to have found him. He is highly recommended.

- T from FL ,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

I needed a quick question answered and spoke with Mike/611--Haven't spoken with him in several years and he still remembered me...He's as sweet as sweet can be....His soothing voice lets you know all will be well and everything will work out just as it should....I adore him ....he's not just a psychic, but a friend as well...Ty Mike

- Diane from MA ,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

He is just wonderful, so compassionate and great at picking up timing on certain issues. I�ve had his predictions come true. But truly he�s just so calming when going through a hard time. Def one of the best readers. Give him a try. You will love your reading. Thank you for all your insight mike! Big hug. .

- Alicia from Reno,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

Mike was an awesome reader and gave me a more positive outlook on the future! I wish I had more minutes to speak, but just know he's a good reader and will make you feel comfortable! Thank you Mike!

- Diamond from Omaha, NE,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

Mike is a truly gifted psychic who picked up on my situation immediately and gave great insight into my situation. I will be calling again!

- Stephanie from Charelston,SC,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

Excellent- he picked up on the energy really, really well and seemed to tune in very accurately on the situation. So sorry I ran out of time- really loved talking to this guy.

- anon ,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

Mike is best, all his prediction came to pass

- Linda from GA,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

I have had readings with psychics, clairvoyants, and others gifted in this field and I rate Mike as one of the best! He clearly saw into the situation I was calling him about and his vision, clarity and insight helped illuminate the best path for me to take. Most impressive to me was that he gave me a blessing/sang a prayer and told me what I could hope for. The next day, the party I was calling about contacted me after not having contact for many months, and not being on good terms for over a year. The blessing worked and the insight I received from Mike's vision helped guide me to the best possible outcome. It renewed the relationship overnight! I can't thank you enough, Mike! I highly recommend him to anyone, from a first time caller to someone who works with psychics often. Warmest Wishes and Thank you again!

- Amy from na,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

Mike is amazing, didn't waste a minute and brought everything on the table. He went beyond my imagination and every word he said made so sense, and a day after I saw changes that were signs of his predictions!

- Anon from CA,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

Mike you are terrific...I feel like you really got it and I'm sorry 10 mins isn't near enough..I can't wait until I can gather more funds and I'll be calling back..Thank you!

- Robin from TX,  Reading with Mike at Ext 611

Testimonials for Jo-Ann

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Anonymous from NJ, Reading with Joann at Ext 711

I’ve recently started having readings with Joann. She is kind, and does her best to answer your questions honestly. She helps provide clarity and guidance. I’m hoping that her predictions will be right. Will read with her in the future

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Maria from NY, Reading with Joann at Ext 711

jo ann is an amazing psychic reader she so sweet and understanding she saw that things that are true i was shocked i highly recommand jo ann is she one of best psychic reader ever thank you

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Della from AZ, Reading with Joann at Ext 711

Very intuitive, very engaged in reading

Testimonials for Theresa

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Nancy from MA Reading with Theresa at Ext 189

"Thank You Teresa, May God Bless You and Yours. Your calm, clear, and kind/nurturing reading was just what I needed to "reset" myself and get back to me. (Reading was regarding my work/profession and family) To date I have called Teresa over a dozen times and every time she has been spot on, including about the wonderful relationship I have been in with my significant other for over 2 years (which had encouraged back when we he and I had first met after I had already been through so difficult experiences that I had begun to lose hope and faith)."

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Gina from NJ Reading with Theresa at Ext 189

"Theresa was very warm and compassionate and left me feeling positive about what's to come."

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A.B. from IL Reading with Theresa at Ext 189

"I LOVED HER! Will use her again for sure, maybe even tomorrow!"

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Rosa from IL Reading with Theresa at Ext 189

“She was great!”

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K.A. from CA Reading with Theresa at Ext 189

"She picked up on a lot of things no one else has. Easy to talk to. Very helpful accurate. Great advise."

She was spot on!

Julie from GA  Reading with Theresa at Ext 189

Theresa is pretty good. She was very respectful. Very nice. Wanted to help. She was accurate about my current situation. Thanks Theresa! I'll be calling you again!

CF from FL  Reading with Theresa at Ext 189

Theresa was a great reader. Lots and lots of info and quickly. Felt I got a lot in a little bit of time.

- Dawn from NJ,  Reading with Theresa at Ext 189

Testimonials for Chad

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Faye from TX Reading with Chad at Ext 328

Loved him. He's really good.

Testimonials for Sparkle

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Sharon from NY Reading with Sparkle at Ext 143

I had the pleasure of having my reading with Sparkle for the 1st time today and I must say she was not only so in tuned to my aura, but she was extremely accurate with picking up on specific things happening around me in such detail. I highly recommend getting a reading with her especially because she is so genuine and has a great sense of humor.

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Christine from CA Reading with Sparkle at Ext 143

Sparkle was fun and accurate. I enjoyed my reading with her!

Testimonials for Cassidy

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Lilly from IL Reading with Cassidy at Ext 699

I have been with most gifted for 20+ years and unfortunately the person I used to speak with is no longer with us. I was lost and did not think I could find another person I felt comfortable with but I did Cassidy X699 has not disappointed me. I've have spoken with her 4x and everytime she amazes me. I am so grateful for Cassidy, she was able to fill that void. I highly recommend her.

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Nee Nee from MI Reading with Cassidy at Ext 699

Cassidy was very quick and clear in her answers. I loved that she consulted the guides on each question and give clear instructions. She made me feel very secure and calm.

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Sandra from OH Reading with Cassidy at Ext 699

She was so great I had to order more minutes. Cassidy is one of the best here! Thank you

Testimonials for Heather

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Jasper from NC Reading with Heather at Ext 149

My experience was heartfelt and on point in what you shared. She answered my questions and helped me in many ways. I enjoy talking to her. She was able to pick up right away with limited information. I would highly recommend her. Thanks for an excellent reading...

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E.F. from GA Reading with Heather at Ext 149

Heather is real sweet. She was very good and accurate. I asked a few questions and the answers she gave me turned out to be right. She didn't know anything about my situation and she was dead on. She's very diplomatic and chose her words well. I would recommend her. I've already told a friend about her.

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K from CA Reading with Heather at Ext 149

Heather was good, patient and non-judgmental. Very friendly. In the short reading we had, she picked up on some things but I think I'll need a longer reading to get in to more details.

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D.H. from PA Reading with Heather at Ext 149

Heather was great and has a wonderful personality. Very helpful and very pleasant. She hit on a few interesting things that made me think. Will call again to see what other energies she is picking up on. her talents are amazing and I would recommend her to anyone who wants an honest reading.

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S.M. from WA Reading with Heather at Ext 149

Great reading with Heather. She picked up on several things going on in my life and gave me a lot to think about. I'll be calling her back to follow up.

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C. from NJ Reading with Heather at Ext 149

Very good reading. Felt comfortable with her. She knows what's she's doing. Very kind. will ask if you want her to use any tools but she's great without them. I will definitely talk to her again.