Why Some People Never Find Love: 5 Eye-Opening Insights
Are you tired of trying to find the right person? Well, you’re not alone!
A Pew Research Center publication shows that over 30% of U.S. adults are not in a romantic relationship.
So yes, many people are struggling to find love. The reasons are countless, and the common ones have been covered a million times online.
That’s why we’ll approach this discussion with a different perspective…we’ve prepared 5 eye-opening insights about why some people never find love.
Insights that we’ve gained from thousands of love and relationship sessions, where good American people who feel lonely reached out to us for guidance.
Why Do People Struggle to Find Love?
Many people struggle to find love due to low self-esteem, past experiences, unrealistic expectations, childhood trauma, self-doubt, etc. Some can’t commit enough to dating people, while others are in the wrong social circles.
While there are certain steps you can take to attract love into your life, there is no blueprint for it…and the challenges are as diverse as the individuals themselves.
We’ll show you what often hinders many from finding true love and a lasting relationship…without them even realizing it. Let’s dive into those roadblocks.
Convinced That True Love is a Myth
You might think true love is just a fairy tale, and that’s completely normal. Many argue that “true love” is a romanticized notion. But how could you find something if you think it doesn’t exist?
When you believe in true love, true love will find you!
And we’re not trying to raise false hope by saying this amazing person will one day knock on your door out of nowhere. Not at all. It’s more about having the right mindset to attract a good match…someone who gets you, flaws and all.
We had a client, let’s call her Sarah, who thought love was bogus. She’d been hurt once and figured, “Why bother?”
We first helped her to heal from that heartbreak spiritually. Then, after several one-on-one sessions, she opened up to join new social groups and meet people again. The last time we heard from her, she sounded like a different person…in a good way.
True love isn’t always fireworks and butterflies, but it is as real as it gets.
Sometimes, finding love again may be just feeling comfy and safe with someone. Don’t let past experiences keep you emotionally unavailable. Be open to new relationships.
Like the late Bob Marley said once:
“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the one worth suffering for”
Obsessed with Finding a Soulmate
Some folks are so hung up on finding “the one” that they miss out on amazing people right in front of them. It’s like they’re looking for a perfect match that doesn’t exist.
Obviously, this makes it much harder to find someone. And even if you do, your unrealistic relationship expectations will push them away.
We had a client from Seattle who kept coming to us feeling bummed. He was always saying…
“I just haven’t met my soulmate yet. What am I supposed to do?”
He was a very nice guy in his mid-40s…and searching for that perfect lady who’ll thick all the boxes right away was blocking him from finding that long-term relationship he wanted so badly.
It took a while, but eventually he realized that:
Obsessing over finding that perfect person is exhausting, and there are so many people with whom he could build a loving relationship.
It was hard work, but about 8 months ago, he met someone…as far as we know, they’re still together.
Don’t let the idea of a soulmate keep you from finding love.
We are not trying to say there isn’t such thing…quite the opposite. In our article about psychic connections between lovers, we talk about soulmates.
But as Tony Robbins defines it in an article on the topic:
“A soulmate is someone who completely understands you and loves you unconditionally”
It’s not like we recommend him as a relationship coach. His quote supports our point.
What are the chances of meeting someone who fits that description from day one? We’d say pretty slim…so the bottom line is that the right person is someone you grow with.
Believe All Relationships Start with Love at First Sight
We’ve spoken to many who think it’s not meant to be if they don’t feel sparks flying the second they meet someone. But that’s not how it always works in real life…and Hollywood’s got a lot to answer for the belief in love at first sight.
There was a lady always chasing that movie-style romance. She’d go on first dates expecting fireworks…when she didn’t feel them, she’d call it quits, and kept asking us how to find a good man worth holding onto.
We aren’t sure what happened to her and whether she managed to find true love.
What we are sure about, based on years of practice, is that most solid relationships grow over time. You meet someone, you hang out, you get to know each other, and feelings develop. That’s the natural path to creating and maintaining happiness.
It’s not always a lightning bolt moment…Love and relationships often start with a so-so first date.
Don’t write someone off just because you didn’t feel instant chemistry. Some men want a more feminine lady, and some ladies desire a man with a smaller ego. Remember, that’s the first time you met that person.
Give people a chance. Real love often sneaks up on you when you least expect it.
Ignore the Idea of an Open Relationship
Now, we’re not saying open relationships are for everyone.
But some never find love ’cause they’re stuck on one idea of what a relationship should look like. They ignore other options that might work for them.
Traditional views often emphasize monogamy as the only path to true love. However, some people find fulfillment in open relationships or polyamory.
They need that sense of freedom that monogamous relationships lack.
We’ve done sessions with many people who are having a very difficult time finding someone who matches their lifestyle. For example, relationships often fall apart for individuals who travel a lot for work and value their independence. In such cases, we suggest considering an open relationship.
We are all different. Some people find happiness in open relationships, others in long-distance setups…the key is to be open to different possibilities.
Don’t limit yourself to what society expects. Figure out what truly makes you happy, and go for that.
Prioritize Love Life Over Independence
Last but not least, let’s talk about balance.
Some people are so focused on finding love that they forget about everything else in life. They make finding a partner their main goal, and that can be a turn-off.
Many of us have had friends that are all about finding “the one.” Going to the same bars every weekend, swipe on dating apps non-stop, and talk about their love life 24/7.
We advise folks who behave like that to pick up new hobbies, make new friends, and try new things.
The idea is that when living a full life, you become more attractive to others. Instead of putting your life on hold…focus on building a life you enjoy, and love will come naturally.
It doesn’t matter if you think love is a commitment, a feeling, or a choice…a relationship should add to your life, not be your life.
Learn how to be happy on your own, and then you can add value to someone else’s life.
Can We Help You Find True Love?
Don’t settle for less than you deserve just because love’s playing hide and seek with you.
Our gifted psychics have helped many find that authentic love they’ve sought for years.
We can do it for you, too!
Together, we’ll identify what’s holding you back so you can stop wasting time on it.
Then, you’ll learn how to open your heart and let love find its way to you.
If you feel uncertain whether this is going to work…
Here is a quick guide on making the right choice for your first psychic reading.
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