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how to find a good man

How to Find a Good Man Who’s Worth Holding Onto

After another disappointing date or seeing those same faces cycling through online dating sites and apps, it’s easy to feel like decent men are a myth.

You know they exist, but finding them feels like searching for a specific fish in a vast ocean. And it’s not just you…nice women reach out to our love and relationship experts every day, asking:

How do I find a genuinely good man?

Finding a good man starts with looking in the right places and recognizing the subtle signs that separate great guys from those who only appear like that on the surface. It requires a mix of smart strategy, self-awareness, and knowing which red flags to avoid.

At Most Gifted Psychics, we’ve spent years guiding women through the complicated terrain of modern dating, and one truth remains constant:

Nice guys aren’t hiding, but they’re often overlooked because they don’t always package themselves like romantic movies have taught us to expect.

In this article, we’ll show you where to look, how to recognize a man worth keeping, and how to avoid accidentally pushing him away.

So, if you really want to know how to find a good man…keep reading.

Finding a Good Man in a World of Mr. Wrongs

The search for a good man can feel overwhelming, especially if past relationships have left you questioning your judgment, and wondering whether you’ll find true love again.

When a woman reaches out sharing a similar story, we remind her of Mae West’s famous words:

“It’s not the men in my life that count, it’s the life in my men!”

No matter your circumstances, the best way to start is by examining why your current methods might not work. Let’s dive into that.

Why Your Dating App Approach Isn’t Working

The glow of your phone screen at night might feel like a portal to possibilities, but most dating apps actually work against you.

Good guys often struggle with self-promotion and may not have the perfectly curated profile that catches your eye as you swipe.

Problem is, those apps reward a certain type of man…comfortable with quick, clever banter and showcasing carefully selected highlights.

But the qualities that make someone excel at dating apps (witty opening lines, photogenic features) aren’t necessarily the same qualities that make a good partner (reliability, emotional intelligence, honesty).

If you want to use dating apps, here is our advice on adjusting your filtering system.

Look beyond the obvious and pay attention to subtle signs of character…mentions of family, consistent work history, genuine interests beyond travel photos.

Notice how he communicates rather than just what he says. Is he asking questions that show he’s read your profile? Does he respect your time by responding reasonably promptly without pressuring you?

And please don’t treat online dating like a shopping experience.

Instead of endlessly searching for the perfect guy, try limiting yourself to connecting with two or three men at a time. This will allow you to properly pay attention to each person without the constant distraction of new options.

a woman obsessed with an online dating app

Where the Good Men Hang Out (And It’s Not Where You Think)

The quest to meet good men in real life requires looking beyond the obvious places. While bars and clubs might provide quick attention, they rarely lead to meaningful connections with quality men.

Good guys are hiding in plain sight…they participate in activities aligned with their values and interests, not necessarily hunting for dates.

Volunteer Work Attracts Men with Compassion and Community Spirit

Whether it’s building homes with Habitat for Humanity, walking dogs at animal shelters, or serving meals at community kitchens, these environments naturally draw decent men who care about others.

We’ve worked with women who met the right man while planting trees or cleaning up beaches…activities that reveal character through action rather than words.

Educational Settings Offer Another Goldmine of Potential Partners

Men who invest in learning—whether through cooking classes, language courses, or professional development workshops—demonstrate a commitment to growth. These environments also provide natural conversation starters and repeated interactions that build comfort and familiarity.

One of our clients met her husband at a financial literacy workshop…she noticed how patiently he helped others understand complex concepts.

Don’t Overlook the Power of Friend Networks and Family Connections

Before dating apps, introductions through trusted connections were the primary way people met their partners. Tell people in your life specifically what you’re looking for to create and maintain happiness in a relationship.

Your cousin’s coworker or your friend’s neighbor might be exactly the person you’ve been hoping to meet. These pre-vetted connections often lead to more successful relationships because they come with built-in accountability.

Hobby-Based Groups Attract Men with Passion and Dedication

These settings allow you to observe how he interacts with others when not trying to impress a date. Does he show good sportsmanship? Is he respectful of different opinions? These glimpses into his character in neutral settings will reveal more than a dozen dinner dates ever could.

When you spot a potential good match in these environments, approach conversation with curiosity rather than an agenda. Good men typically speak about their activities with genuine enthusiasm rather than using them as status symbols.

lady approaching a handsome man during a cooking class

Are You Accidentally Pushing Good Men Away?

Sometimes the biggest obstacle between you and the right guy is an unconscious pattern you don’t even realize you’ve established. Guiding thousands of women through their relationship goals, we’ve spotted certain self-sabotaging behaviors among those struggling to find love.

The “instant chemistry” trap ensnares many women seeking meaningful connection. While that immediate spark feels exhilarating, it leads to choosing men who trigger excitement rather than those who offer stability.

Perfectionism creates another invisible barrier. Creating mental checklists of non-negotiable traits seems like a smart strategy, but all it does is blinding you to exceptional men who don’t fit your preconceived image.

Emotional walls built from past hurts protect you from pain but also block genuine connection. You think you’re hiding it well, but most men can sense if you haven’t healed from a broken heart. We refer to subtle defenses such as:

» Changing the subject when conversations deepen

» Using humor to deflect vulnerability

» Maintaining constant busyness

The rush to judgment often eliminates promising connections before they have a chance to develop. Many women decide within minutes whether someone has potential, missing the truth that good guys reveal their best qualities gradually.

Our advice is to start by questioning your automatic responses to men.

When instantly drawn to someone, pause and examine whether that attraction follows old patterns. When you dismiss someone, ask yourself what specific quality triggered that response.

Signs He’s Actually a Good Man (Not Just Pretending)

In our decades of guiding women seeking true love in relationships, we’ve learned that good men share certain qualities that become apparent within the first few interactions.

These aren’t the flashy characteristics that bad men often mimic to win your attention.

Instead, they’re consistent patterns of behavior that reveal his true character. Here are the unmistakable signs he’s genuinely one of the good ones:

He Respects Your Boundaries Without Making You Feel Guilty

A good man doesn’t pressure you when you say no or need time. He accepts your limits without sulking or trying to change your mind. This respect extends to physical boundaries, emotional availability, and time constraints.

His Life Shows Stability in Multiple Areas

Look for consistency in his work life, friendships, and daily habits. Good men typically have reasonably stable housing, employment they speak about responsibly, and friendships that have lasted years. These aren’t perfect or glamorous, but they show he can commit.

He Speaks Well of Past Partners

Pay attention to how he discusses ex-relationships. If he describes all former partners as “crazy” or places all blame on others, it’s a red flag. Good men acknowledge their role in past relationship failures and speak with respect about former partners, even if things ended badly.

His Kindness Extends Beyond You

Watch how he treats servers, cashiers, and others in service positions. A man who’s only polite to you but dismissive of others is showing you a performance, not his true character. True kindness isn’t selective.

He Admits Mistakes and Apologizes Sincerely

Rather than becoming defensive or making excuses, a good man acknowledges when he’s wrong. His apologies include how he’ll do better next time, not just empty words to end the conversation.

He Shows Interest in Your Thoughts and Opinions

Notice if he asks follow-up questions about your ideas and genuinely engages with your perspective, even when different from his own. This indicates respect for your mind, not just your appearance.

His Actions and Words Consistently Align

Decent men don’t make promises they don’t keep. If he says he’ll call, he calls. If he says he’ll be somewhere, he shows up. This reliability might seem basic, but it’s surprisingly rare and incredibly valuable.

He Has Emotional Tools Beyond Anger

Pay attention to how he handles frustration and disappointment. Good men express a range of emotions and don’t resort to anger as their default response to difficulties.

We’ve seen these signs prove reliable predictors of character in countless women’s love lives. When several appear together, they typically indicate a man with emotional maturity and integrity with whom you can build a healthy relationship.

a well-dressed man demonstrating integrity

The Self-Reflection That Attracts Decent Men

What happens in our dating lives usually reflects something within ourselves.

Working with many women who desire to attract love, we’ve discovered that self-reflection creates a magnetic effect that naturally draws quality men.

Marissa came to us after three relationships with emotionally unavailable men. At 42, she felt time slipping away and couldn’t understand why she kept attracting partners who wouldn’t commit.

During her first session, our love expert psychic sensed Marissa’s strong nurturing energy but also an underlying belief that she needed to “earn” love through caretaking. This pattern had her choosing men who needed fixing rather than those ready for partnership.

“I don’t understand. I keep meeting men who seem interested but pull away when things get serious.”

Our psychic guided Marissa to examine why she felt comfortable with emotional distance and uncomfortable with men who were fully present. Through focused self-reflection, she recognized how her childhood with a distant father had shaped her expectations.

For three months, Marissa worked on building her self-esteem independently of what she could do for others. She practiced setting boundaries and saying no. She also spent time identifying her own needs rather than focusing exclusively on being needed.

This internal work felt unrelated to dating, but we assured her it was laying essential groundwork.

When Marissa finally met David at a friend’s dinner party, something was different. Instead of being drawn to his problems, she noticed his emotional stability. Their connection developed naturally, without the dramatic highs and lows she’d experienced before.

Six months later, she called us in tears.

“He proposed last night. And for the first time, I feel like I deserve this happiness.”

What changed wasn’t fate…it’s not like Marissa saw David and knew he was her destiny. Her efforts had transformed her internal model of relationships, which changed who she found attractive. This pattern holds true for many women we counsel.

Wonder who YOUR perfect match might be?

Our gifted psychics can help you see him more clearly. Call us now for a personal reading that will reveal some of his unique qualities.

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